B Rur. Sc (Hon1) PhD RAnNutr

Nerida graduated from the University of New England with a degree in Rural Science in 1999 and a PhD in Equine Nutrition in 2004. Nerida is a registered animal nutritionist (equine) with the Nutrition Society of Australia.

Nerida founded Equilize Horse Nutrition in 2003 and has been working as a consulting equine nutritionist ever since, providing high level technical support to feed and supplement companies in Australia and abroad.

The last 18 years has seen Nerida work with more than 30 companies, focusing on product development, education, research and on-farm support. Nerida works closely with Poseidon Equine on formulations, research and horse owner education.

Nerida has also developed and commercialised the FeedXL ration balancing software that is used extensively by horse owners here in Australia as well as the USA, Canada, the UK, New Zealand, the Middle East and South East Asia.

A true country girl at heart, Nerida has always had a love of horses, a passion for agriculture and a zeal for and natural understanding of nutrition. In her typical style of combining credible science with practical knowledge, Nerida creates effective products that are backed by research.

And she shares her knowledge with horse owners in a way that is easy to understand and simple to put into practice to improve the health and performance of horses everywhere.