Do horses actually need supplements?

Do horses actually need supplements?

Every horse, whether it be a pasture pet or Olympic athlete needs a complete, balanced diet to meet their nutritional requirements. A varied, balanced diet also results in a healthy microbiome in the hind gut of the horse, which can produce a number the building blocks horses need to be healthy - such as Volatile Fatty Acids, Vitamins, and Amino Acids. 

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5 Warning Signs Your Horse May Be in Pain - And how to Help

5 Warning Signs Your Horse May Be in Pain - And how to Help

As a horse owner, there’s nothing worse than seeing your horse in pain. Even worse, your horse can be in pain without you realising anything is wrong, meaning they live through each day quietly dealing with constant pain. Here are five warning signs that your horse may be suffering pain in their gut, and need help.

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Top 7 Tips For Horse's Weight Loss With Gut Health In Mind

Top 7 Tips For Horse's Weight Loss With Gut Health In Mind

Horses who are often overweight are likely to be at higher risk of health complications, including Insulin Resistance or Deregulation, and Laminitis among others. Keeping your horse at a healthy weight level is an essential step to long term health and wellbeing.

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How your horse’s microbiome can create behaviour you love... or fear.

How your horse’s microbiome can create behaviour you love... or fear.

Learn about the gut-brain axis and how changes to a horse's microbiome can affect behaviour. Discover the many ways stress can affect horses in the course of daily life, how to limit the stresses your horse experiences, and how to protect its microbiome from change. You will be improving your horse’s health and reducing the likelihood of uncharacteristic and unsafe behaviour.

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How to safely get your fat horse to lose weight

How to safely get your fat horse to lose weight

Overweight horses are more prone to serious health issues, including potentially life-threatening problems such as laminitis. Excess weight also places increased pressure on your horse’s bones and joints. And if your horse is too fat, they are much more likely to suffer from heat stress in hot weather. So what can you do if your horse is getting a little rotund?

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8 tips to reduce your horse's feed bill

8 tips to reduce your horse's feed bill

As horse owners we only want the best for them, yet owning and caring for a horse can be expensive. We've got 8 tips to help you feed your horse to meet all their nutritional needs, while being more economical. Find out how to reduce your feed bill without compromising gut health or optimal equine nutrition.

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Avoid the top 3 winter problems for horse gut health

Avoid the top 3 winter problems for horse gut health

Winter is the time where if you are having issues relating to your horses gut health and overall nutrition that you will likely see it! In this blog I will be discussing the three most common gut related problems I see as an equine veterinarian during winter.

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No More Winter Feeding Woes! Supporting your horse’s health in winter

No More Winter Feeding Woes! Supporting your horse’s health in winter

What’s the first thing you think of for your horse coming into winter? If you’d asked me this question a couple of years ago, my answer would have been something along the lines of… How many rugs will I need? How much fill should they have? What time should I take them off? Should I get my horse clipped? Should I be putting them in stables? But, did you ever think: should I be changing my horse’s diet? 

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